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tv   WBZ This Morning  CBS  August 11, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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breaking right now at 6:00, dozens injured in a massive apartment fire in maryland. what witnesses heard before the flames broke out. also breaking overnight, david ortiz helped off the field after an injury. what we le court today, charged in a brutal attack on a woman and her 83-year-old mother. good morning to you. thank you for being here with us. i'm kathryn hauser. >> and i'm chris mckinnon. it's thursday, august 11th, and we are in for dangerous heat this morning.
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pamela. >> it's very humid out there. heat advisories in effect as temperatures skyrocket into the 90s. we are dealing with areas of dense fog from taunton into maryland. portland a quarter of a mile or less. that's a dense fog advisory, and no advisories posted. hit or miss, and it's not widespread. be aware, we will reduce visibility this morning. the high humidity, and we are warm. on our way to 90 by midday. we are tracking the potential for heat indexes in the 100s. 100 to about 105 the mid-90s across the board, and advisories from noon to 7:00 p.m. today, and it looks like we will keep the heat around for quite some time and add the chance for a couple of storms into the mix. i will have details coming up in your 7-day forecast. brianna? >> pamela, you're slow and go by the gas tanks here at exit 13. things are slowing down back to exit 11, going all the way up to this point in dorchester,
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this morning up north, and let's take a look at the maps upnorth if we can. a few things to keep in mind before you hit the roads. 93 south in andover, and it's really foggy and slowing down from exit 45 to exit 43. you will hit another pocket of heavy traffic on 95 south, and that's between exit 37 and 35. we have heavy traffic on route 3 southbound between exit 30 and 28. all trains are still running on chris, back to you. breaking news overnight, one person is stabbed in dorchester. the victim was taken to the hospital with minor injuries, and no word on any suspects in the case. another stabbing, this one on chelsea street in east boston. two people there were stabbed, rushed to the hospital with potentially life-threatening injuries. also breaking overnight, two firefighters were among the 20 to 25 people injured at a large fire in an apartment
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maryland. you see the intense flames, and this video is new and just in. witnesses heard an explosion shortly before seeing the first flames around mid-night. no word on the extent of the injuries. the fire is now under control. breaking overnight back here at home. david ortiz forced to leave the field after a painful injury. >> the good news this morning, it may not be as bad as it is saying about the injury. >> reporter: chris, ortiz got his x-ray results back, and his shin is not broken there was serious concern last night that big poppy was badly hurt, and it's not hard to see why. look at this video from the 9th inning against the new york yankees at fenway last night, and ortiz has the 99-mile an hour pitch off his right shin. you can see him scream out in
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he is helped off the field with john ferrell and a member of the training stay staff. -- training staff. fans said they were concerned they would lose him for the regular season, which is his last. >> i was shocked because i wanted him to get a big hit. all the other times he was getting pitched to, they were walking him. >> rooting for ortiz for his fare well season, and hopefully everything goes well for him. definitely. disappointing end. >> and again, the good news this morning, his shin is not broken, but ortiz is listed as day-to-day, and mooky betts also left because of tightness in his right calf.
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wbz news. >> thank you, anna. a 52-year-old homeowner was stabbed dozens of times, and she's in critical condition. her 83-year-old mother was stabbed in the hand. a relative says the exboyfriend of a tenant attacked them yesterday afternoon after he visited the basement apartment on weston street. >> when my grandmother tried to say what are you doing and he said stairway, stairway old lady, and he started stabbing her, and here and 30 wounds on the head and face and stuff. >> reporter: police arrested the suspect, emanuel louis about a mile away. he will face attempted murder and other charges today. new this morning, canadian police stopped what they were calling a suicide bombing plot. aaron driver, a man in his 20s was killed last night in a home surrounded by s.w.a.t. investigators would not say anything about the
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investigators said he was an isis sympathizer under surveillance, and he planned to set off a bomb in a public place. donald trump targeting president obama saying the president founded isis. >> in many respects, you know they honor, president obama isis is honoring president obama. he is the founder he's the founder of isis. [ cheers ] he's the founder! [ cheers ] he founded isis, and i would say the cofounder would be crooked hillary clinton. >> trump made the comments yesterday at a rally near ft. lauderdale, and he is facing
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crowd behind him. he resigned in 2006 after sending sexually suggestive e- mails to teenage boys who were pages. trump recently criticized clinton when the father of the orlando attacker showed up at her rally. speaking of hillary clinton she will unveil her economic plan today in detroit. she is promising an economy that works for everyone. she wants paid family leave so parents can take time off without losing their job, and she wants es year-old in america and debt- free college, and she wants to raise the minimum wage, and trump unveiled his economic plan on monday, also in detroit. high drama many new -- high drama in new york city. the 19-year-old who scaled trump tower is now undergoing a psychological evaluation. he made it to the 21st floor before the special ops officers pulled him to safety.
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>> i am an independent researcher seeking a private audience with you to discuss an important matter. i guarantee that it is within your interest to honor this request. believe me, my purpose is -- if my purpose was not significant, i would not risk my life pursuing it. >> trump did not say if he would meet the man, but he sent out a tweet praising the work of the nypd. temperatures well into the 90s over the boston is declaring a heat emergency. nicole jacobs is live in west roxbury with what that means. >> reporter: good morning, kathryn, as we approach mid- august, we are getting a close look at what summer looks like in new england, and that's very hot. temperatures 90s and above in the next few days, and that's why marty walsh declared a heat
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season. it can be nice and fun when you're at the beach or at the pool, but it's also dangerous at times. not everyone has the luxury of staying outside out of the heat all day long, but here's the tips if you must be outside. you should limit your outdoor activities to the mornings and the evenings. they will be the coolest points of the day, and certainly stay hydrated. limit your alcohol intake and caffeine intake. you should use sunscreen you're in direct sunlight. check on elderly neighbors. they need it this time of the year, but it should go out saying, never leave children or pets in hot cars. i can also tell you we have a full list of the cooling centers, as well as times of operation on our website. >> nicole, good information. thank you very much. appreciate it. the patriots and saints will play the first game of the
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two teams wrapped up two days of practices a at soggy gillette stadium. highly unlikely you will see the big name players tonight. we have all the action here on wbz. game day will get started at 7:00. pats and saints kicking off at 7:30, and stay with us for the 5th quarter postgame show with live reaction from bill belichick and is going to say and how his emotions will be. >> probably. coming up on wbz this morning a local salad shop shut down. >> what investigators found at sweet green and how soon they could be back in business. a car crashes through a restaurant, and the family involved is speaking out to wbz
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yeah, print it out, pamela. >> that's ridiculous! it's so weird to me. hour-by-hour forecast, warming up quickly as the sun gets into the sky. heat advisories are out, and it will feel like around 100 degrees at times. how long the heat will stick around and when we will have our next chance of rain in the
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ever thought about getting a pizza from your computer? >> we are talking about 3d printing. some stadiums are trying it out. you can order from your phone, and it later. the printer is self-cleaning. >> i printed up this pizza. >> that's probably what it tastes like. >> i just want the old fashioned thing. don't mess with a good thing. >> pamela, i think -- [ laughter ] it's going to be so hot today, why don't you order the pizza for us. >> delicious! >> i don't think that's part of the deal. [ laughter ] it will be roasty and toasty today. hazy, hot, humid, you name it.
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this evening, and temperatures starting off rather warm. 75 in boston, and 72 in wooster, and in manchester, 72 degrees as you head out the door. visibility reduced in spots because of fog that settled in. dense fog from lawrence to concord, and visibility a quarter of a mile or less in spots with light fog reported on capecod, and high temperatures today, low to mid- 90s, and 92 in boston, and 94 in rockport, and perhaps a sea breeze late in the day. mid-80s for cape cod, and your real feel temperatures, right around 100 degrees, you factor in the humidity, uncomfortable today. heat advisory in effect noon to 7:00 p.m. today with the real feel temperatures running around 100 degrees, and the air quality alert because of today. increased ground level ozone in effect all the way along the main coast, and patriots' forecast, tonight, if you're headed to the game, preseason. i can't believe it's that time of the year. 7:30p.m., and hot and humid. 90degrees, and the wind from the southwest, and overnight
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from the heat and humidity, and we will stay humid. 75degrees and a partly cloudy sky, and the wind is keeping temperatures elevated overnight. there's a brief chance for an isolated popup shower or storm. but ingredients are not quite as ideal as they could be. today we are going to keep it mostly sunny and dry, and going into friday morning, we are dry, but then the potential for scattered showers and storms moving into the friday it will be hit or miss. not a complete washout for the next 5 days, but keep an eye to the sky. the lakes and mountains forecast, isolated storm chance, and same deal for saturday. only 84, and slightly cooler at 87 degrees for sunday, and the chance of rain. closer to home in boston on saturday and sunday, boast days a chance for scattered stormses, and here's your 7-day forecast, and the heat wave continues. we need 3 days at or above 90-
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going to be well above it today, storm, and into saturday with 94 cooling off a bit. it's all relative because it's still warm with 80 degrees on monday. tuesday, 80 as well. traffic and weather together, brianna. check out the mass pike. a lot of you will have a foggy commute into the city this morning. you will sit in traffic as you approach the brain tree split, and then bumper traffic. your drive time from braintree to boston is approaching 30 minutes this morning. 95 north with heavy traffic, all the way up to 128, and you can see to the right, traffic on 124 north is picking up through avon and randolph. for the first time we are hearing from the family hit by a car while standing inside of this busy quincy restaurant.
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the building. rob will be in a wheelchair for 3 weeks, and rhonda has nerve damage to her leg. >> i was knocked to the floor, and i got up and looked, and i saw both of them kind of pinned in front of the car,s and i just -- car, and i was like, oh my word s this real? -- is this real? >> the couple's children and rob's elderly parents were with them, but a popular restaurant has been temporarily closed because of health code violations. the shut down of sweet green happened after someone complained the food made her sick, and an inspection revealed ongoing safety issues including employees not washing their hands, not changing gloves between orders, food not being kept at the right temperatures, and surfaces unsanitized. the city said they had no
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they concern public welfare and things like that we have been trying very hard to work with them. >> sweet green released a statement saying in part, we have implemented a new structure and new role within our restaurant operations, the first of which is being deployed today. the team member in the new role will focus specifically on food safety and best in class culinary practices. city says the restaurant will reopen once they are satisfied the restaurant is standard. two massachusetts schools beating out harvard when it comes to how much their graduates make out of school. mit was on top with the discharge of $75,000, and wooster, poly technical institute was in second with $63,000. harvard came in at just under
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school cash. it's from the bbb. make a list, make sure you don't already have items in your house. create a budget. stick to the budget. look for ads offering discounts, but make sure you read the fine print, and network with other parents to swap clothing or buy items in bulk. >> i used to love the smell of new sneakers when i was a kid. it was always exciting. >> a few more weeks, kids. the highlights for rio, and the events we are looking forward to today. an update on the dog rescued after he was pulled from the water by a ferry. and a new fitbit-like device for women to help them
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios. this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in. i know it's in. it's in, but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what you're seeing. really? yes, mr. mcenroe... see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh absolutely. our technician see the problem over your smartphone.
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welcome back. in today's health watch, women looking for help tracking their fertility have a new option. the ava tracking bracelet is a fitbit-style wearable bracelet that tracks information while you sleep and tracks your fertile days. are you trying to have a baby but having a difficult time? you may want to embryos. 1500 women had more successful pregnancies when they used the frozen embryos. if a politician in italy gets his way, participants could face prison time if they feed their kids a vegan diet. the politician says he has no problem with adults who are
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diet are wreckless. we told you about the dog getting pulled from the vineyard waters earlier this week, and now a passenger has video of the dramatic rescue. the ferry was too big to help, and the captain signaled a smaller fishing boat. >> he was swimming in circles, and he wasn't headed to land or anything. we don't know how long he had been there. >> the earlier ferry, and he's back with his family, and doing just fine after the ordeal. more gold for team usa at the rio olympics. tonight we will see what will likely be the final olympic showdown with michael phelps and ryan lochte.
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at the semifinals last night. congratulations to mike hikeson on the left of your screen there. he won a silver medal yesterday in the men's synchronized 3- meter diving. aly raisman has a chance to add to her medal collection. in 2012 she lost the bronze medal because of a tie breaker. here's the medal count for you this morning. the united states still in lead with 32 overall medals with 11 gold there, followed by china and japan. a lot more coming up in the next half an hour, including new details in the fight against the zika virus in florida. also ahead, the air force taking new steps to deal with the shortage of fighter pilots. and a thief stealing from a children's charity. the items missing in foxboro, and how you can help police with the investigation. the four things you may want to know as you head out
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dear fellow citizen, spending time hunting treasures with my daughter is wonderful. because before i'm even ready, she'll be off to college. and though i've planned for it, i may need a loan to help her pay her way there. just like i do for my son. citizens bank student loans
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as a leader in student lending, we have student loan options that others don't. including better alternatives to federal loans. i can show you how to pay for your own child's way to college. in case you don't find that treasure chest. if you have a question about student loans, ask me. sincerely, michele wright fellow mom and fellow citizen.
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breaking news right nowat 6:30. a busy night for police in boston. remembering south america a. -- remembering vanessa marcotte. a vigil was held last ni police try to find out more about her death. and david ortiz was carried off the field last night we have more about his injuries. good morning to you. it's 6:30 right now, and thank you so much for joining us. i'm chris mckinnon. >> and i'm kathryn hauser. the big headline of the day, the weather. it's hazy, hot, and humid. triple h weather. we were talking about how the windows were sweating this morning, and you needed your
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get warmer this afternoon. heat advisory in effect noon to 7:00 p.m. today. the real feel temperatures around 100 degrees, and the temperatures currently in the 70s. 68 for the increase. the steady wind is helping to keep the temperatures down. 90degrees by midday, and driving home, 96 degrees. there's a chance for an isolated passing shower or storm later today. most of the more 90s on the way, and how long this heat wave will last coming up in your 7-day forecast. traffic and weather together. brianna? >> pamela, it's hard to tell what you are looking at with the fog. this is heavy traffic on the tobin bridge into the city. we have seen a lot of fog on the pike as well, and things are starting to slow down there. you have slow and go traffic on the eastbound lanes in framingham with exits 12 and
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again. another area of concern can, the expressway as always. you're bumper to bumper to columbia, road, and it will take you at least 30 minutes to get through the stretch. >> brianna, thank you for the update. breaking news overnight, one person is stabbed on millet street in dorchester. the victim was taken to the hospital with minor injuries, and no word on the suspects in this case. also, breaking overnight, another stabbing, this one on two people were stabbed, and they were rushed to the hospital with potentially life threatening injuries. breaking news from maryland overnight. two firefighters were among the 20 to 25 people injured in an apartment fire in silversprings. witnesses heard an explosion before seeing the first flames. part of the building collapsed, and the damage is extensive. no word on the extent of the
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more breaking news overnight. david ortiz forced to leave the field last night, but good news it may not be as bad as it looks. >> reporter: the good news, david ortiz got his x-rays back, and his shin is not broken, but there were serious concerns last night he was injured, and it's not hard to see why. you cannot help but wince when you see this video from last night, and ortiz hit the 99-mile an hour pitch off his shin. he screams out and then he is slumped over in agony. ferrell said it was the second time in a few days he was hit in the same spot, and after the game, fans were concerned they would lose him for the rest of the season, which is his last. >> i almost cried. >> reporter: you almost cried?
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much. >> it's disappointing. i'm not really a red sox fan, but i mean you have to root for ortiz for his farewell season. i mean hopefully everything goes well for him. i don't want to see him get hurt, definitely that would be a disappointing end. >> i think it's bad because this is probably my last time seeing him play at the real stadium. >> reporter: and again, the good news this morning, his shin is not broken, but ortiz is listed as day-to-day, and the 8th inning, due to tightness in his right calf, and adding insult to injury, they blew the lead and lost to the yankees, 9-4. anna meiler. back to you chris and kathryn. dozens of of people turned out for a vigil for vanessa marcotte after she was killed over the weekend.
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mother's home in princeton. residents felt compelled to show support for the family. >> i have not slept for 2 nights, knowing the tragedy of what the family is going through and the heart break. >> reporter: vanessa marcotte's body was found in the woods off brooks station road, naked and partially burned. detectives are asking anyone who may have seen a person or vehicle near the area on sunday afternoon to call in a description. you do so on and it's 508-453-7589, and police said they are not ruling out anything in the investigation, and anyone who calls the tip line will remain anonymous. 6:35 right now, and a cambridge police officer is facing new charges, accused of beating a man. jonathan vicente was arraigned on assault and battery and other charges. he was one of several men
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a restaurant when a an employee told them too leave. the men attacked the employee, and then took off when another employee started to help out. 49-year-old thomas maxwell pled not guilty to aggravate aid assault and battery yesterday. police say he killed his friend during a fight on tuesday night. maxwell's attorney insists his client was acting in self- defense. a former mob boss being held witness. frank cadillac flemming was in court yesterday. his lawyer says his client had nothing to do with it. >> he denies the charges, always has, always will, and this case will go to trial.
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convicted. he was in the witness protection program, but he was arrested in connecticut as he tried to flee. foxbor police are looking for the person who snatched a 2- foot bottle of hennessy cognac like this one. sports memorabilia was also stolen. a strikes again in marlboro. this is the seventh trump sign that was stolen from this street. temperatures reaching into the 90s over the next few days. the city of boston is declaring a heat emergency. nicole jacobs has a closer look at what that means. nicole, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to
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what summer can look like. it can get hot. we are looking at 90 plus degrees over the next few days, and because of that, mayor marty walsh has declared a heat emergency throughout boston today through saturday. with that comes the option of the cooling centers to stay nice and cool. not everyone has the luxury of staying inside or out of the heat all day when we have temperatures like this, but here's a fe be outside. you should limit your outdoor activities to the morning and evenings, and those are going to be the coolest points of the day. stay nice and hydrated. limit your alcohol intake and even your caffeine intake. you should use a lot of sunscreen when you're in direct sunlight. check on elderly neighbors, and never leave children or pets in hot cars. i should mention, there's a full list of the cooling centers throughout the city on
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operation. nicole jacobs, wbzs this morning. good news out of miami this morning. the insecticides appears to be working in the wynwood zone. crews are finding one infected mosquito every day, and two weeks ago they were capturing two dozen every highlighting the dangers of debris on the road. roadside debris contributed to 200,000 crashes in 4 years, killing more than 500 people, and most of the crashes happened on interstates where the drivers are going fast and people are hauling cargo. aaa says make sure your gear is tied down and drivers leave enough face between vehicles so you have enough time to react. in other news, the air force is coming up short when
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they need to fill the deficit of 700 pilots by the end of the year. to do that, the air force director says she will offer a $35,000 retention bonus, and that's a $10,000 increase over what is currently offered. just ahead a check of the top stories ahead for you, including the waltham man who is facing serious charges. >> he's due in court today accused of stabbing a woman and her 83-year-old mother. and new information man who scaled trump tower in new york city. the weather watchers are already feeling the heat? >> yes, nice and toasty, and oppressive heat on the way this afternoon 75 right now according to denise. she says it will be wicked. can't recall the last heat index of 100. you want to keep the ac going the next several days. how long the heat will last
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welcome back. a tornado touches down in connecticut, leaving a string of damage. the national weather service says a small ef0 tornado touched down yesterday afternoon, and 70-mile an hour winds took down the trees and power lines, and several homes were damaged, but no reports of any injuries. good news there, but they have cleanup to do. we have been talking about the heat and oppressive humidity, and you can almost wear the air when you step outside. it's thick out there, pamela.
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worse. as the sun gets higher in the sky, you can see the haze and light fog over boston, be with -- but we are on our way to the mid- to upper 90s. with the humidity, feeling much hotter than that, and heat index advisories in effect for this afternoon. some areas had more rain than others, but in boston, we had .2 inches of rain fall. last tim of an inch of rain fall, that was june 5th. 66 days ago, and it's .91 inches of rain fall, and it's been awhile. yesterday it was just awesome to see the rain finally falling, but now we have a break with the showers, and. it will be downright hot day for us. temperatures in the 70s for most, and because it's so humid, there's areas of fog that have settled in with a
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denser fog to the north there, along the new hampshire and maine coast. for today, 76 degrees, and warm start, yes, and the wind from the southwest at 5 to 10 miles an hour. the muggies will take over for this afternoon, too. 90degrees for the lunch hour, and oppressive conditions, and feeling like the mid-90s adds we get to the drive home. 96degrees, and dangerous heat at that time. wind from the southwest not giving us much relief, and humid as well, feeling more like 100 degrees, 7:00 p.m. today for almost all of the viewing area here, and an air quality alert going into effect, too, and just because the increased ground level ozone will be in the unhealthy range. this is along the main coast. we are warm and humid, too. 75 for the low, with the areas of patchy fog, again, and if you happen to bonn the cape and island for the next few days,
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saturday, 84 degrees, and mid- 80s on the cape, not too bad. feeling like 90 degrees, and keep in mind, there's a chance for an isolated popup shower or storm for saturday. most of us should be dry, and a few clouds passing through. friday morning, we are starting off dry, too, other than the areas of patchy fog, and then the potential for storms. thunder and lightning, and a brief heavy downpour, and heavy rain expected as we get rain after rain of storm going to keep it your toasty. 96 for friday, and 93 for saturday, and sunday, 94, and finally some relief monday and tuesday with the highs cooler around 80 degrees both days. brianna? >> we have a lot happening on the pining this morning. first, we have a lot of fog, and we also have road construction and lane closures, and this is causing slowdowns for your morning commute.
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it's causing major backups. slow and go in framingham, and in andover, there's an accident blocking the shoulder at 32. a pickup truck is to the right, and there's stop-and-go traffic back to 95. breaking news overnight, one person was stabbed in dorchester, and authorities said the victim was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. there's no word on the suspects in the case. also breaking overnight, another stabbi east boston. two people were stabbed and rushed to the hospital with potentially life-threatening injuries. checking our top stories today a good sign for david ortiz who was forced to leave last night's red sox game with an injury. an x-ray shows big poppy did not break any bones when he fouled a fastball off his right shin. the sox's slugger had to be
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condition and her 83-year-old woman was involved in the attack. relatives say the exboyfriend of a tenant in the home on weston road. for some reason he attacked his exgirlfriend's landlord and her mom. dozens were injured at an apartment fire in silverspring,a and you can see the damage is extensive. the fire is now under control. the 19-year-old who scaled trump tower is undergoing an evaluation. he made it all the way to the 21st floor before the special operations officers pulled him to safety. the virginia man says he's a trump supporter and came up with the stunt because he has an urgent message for the candidate that can only be delivered in person. 6:48 right now, and just
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injuries as we mentioned. >> the team giving up the lead to the yankees, and how the fans reacted when a-rod got into the game. are you ready for football? we are. here's a live look as the pats host the saints tonight. the first game of the preseason
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massachusetts public charter schools are among the best in the country. our charter schools are public, and we have longer school days with more personal attention. we have a proven record of helping students in underperforming areas succeed. announcer: question 2 will expand charter school access and result in more funding for public education. every parent should be able to choose the public school that's best for their child. announcer: vote yes on question 2.
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loss -- 6:52 morning. a-rod will be starting as the dh in his second-to-last game of his career. he saw some action last night, and he was booed by the fans at fenway. he hit a fly ball, and the yankees didn't need help from him. the sox lose this one, 9-4, and as we told you earlier, david ortiz was hurt in the 9th, but x-rays on his shin were negative, and he's listed day- to-day. the patriots and the saints
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can watch it here on wbz. the two team the wrapping up two games of joint practices yesterday at gillette stadium, and it was good to see ettleman out there. it's highly unlikely you will see the big-name players playing tonight. we have all your action here on wbz game day it start alts 7:00. it we will have live reaction from the bill belichick and the players in the postgame show. it doesn't feel like football, i can tell you that. >> no, it doesn't. 6:53. time for a closer look at what is coming up on cbs this morning. >> reporter: ahead on cbs this morning, we are on the scene of an apartment complex explosion that injured dozens, and did
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information of efforts of the u.s. against isis. and the news is back in the morning. see you at 7. >> straight ahead on wbz this morning, a police officer to the rescue, but it's not for the typical reason. a massachusetts officer's generous move that is getting a
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your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like stop & shop's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good.
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welcome back. a police officer in western massachusetts is getting high praise this morning. >> his name is michael zalowski. he paid for one driver's tank of task. the driver had less than $2 on him, and he paid the attendant and accidently pumped $20 worth. the attendant was getting ready to call the police when the police officer pulled up, opening up his own wallet. he said resolve a simple misunderstanding. >> the officer to the rescue. helping him out. the weather is such a big parking lot of -- big part of the story. >> dangerous, too. we have heat advisory today, and it will be mid- to upper 90s, but feeling like 100 degrees. the next several days, not a lot of relief for us here, and we will keep the 80s around for
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with the repeated storm chances,en and isolate -- and an isolated chance later today. highs around 80 degrees, and it's all relative, right? >> it's like florida outside. >> it will feel tropical, that's for sure. thank you very much. cbs this morning is next here
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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is thursday, august 11th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." an explosion and fire overnight levels part of an apartment complex outside washington. dozens are hurt donald trump blasts hillary clinton and president obama, but his attack is leveled by a controversial supporter. a man who scaled trump tower says he had a message for the gop nominee. >> a new report blames flying debris for more than 200,000 crashes and hundreds of death. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. we have the fire extinguished and trying to


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